Graphology is the fascinating science of handwriting analysis. It can be used to legally identify people. Even more interesting is that graphology can provide insights into one’s personality. As it turns out, you might be able to learn quite a bit about a person just by looking at their handwriting. Regardless of how one was taught to write, everybody brings their individuality into their handwriting.

Graphology uses over 300 writing features in its investigative approach. By examining the blend and interaction of these characteristics, a graphologist can piece together different aspects of the writer’s personality. It would obviously be a great feat to discuss all 300 of these features in detail. Therefore, a few noteworthy features are described below.

Slant: A slant to the right indicates communication and openness to the world around you. The writer might be very social. A slant to the left indicates emotion and reserve. The writer feels the need to be true to him- or herself and may become resentful if others try to push for more. No slant is generally a sign of independence.

Size: Large handwriting is indicative of extroversion and outgoingness. It can also be a symbol of confidence. Small handwriting, on the other hand, might indicate introversion. Depending on other features, small handwriting could indicate a thinker or an academic. Small and delicate handwriting might indicate that the writer has a hard time warming up to others and does not communicate well with others unless they are on a similar wavelength.

Pressure: Heavy pressure is a sign of commitment and taking things seriously. Excessively heavy pressure, however, is a sign of uptightness. The writer might be overly reactive to what he or she perceives as criticism. Light pressure shows sensitivity to atmosphere and empathy. If the pressure is light and uneven, it might indicate lack of vitality.

Word Spacing: Writers who use wide spaces between words generally need room to breathe. On the other hand, writers who use narrow spaces between words generally like to be close to others. They might be perceived as intrusive, especially if the writing lacks finesse.

Line Spacing: Wide-spaced lines indicate a desire to stand back and take a long view. Closely-spaced lines, on the other hand, indicate a desire to be close to the action.

Handwriting analysis can be a useful tool to pair with background checks when hiring new employees or contractors. If you seek handwriting analysis services in the Cleveland or Pittsburgh areas, contact FORLETTA today.

© elaine quigley text 2004-8, alan chapman edit and contextual material 2004-2010